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Ludmil Petrov, Daniela Ancheva

Ludmil Petrov, Daniela Ancheva ( 3 Files )

L.Petrov is Professor, PhD, Head of  the Theory and Methods of Physical Education Department at St.Cyril and St.Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo. Lecturer in Theory of sport, Recreation sports and Basketball.

D.Ancheva is a doctoral student and an Erasmus administrative.

Paneurhythmy in an intensive program: COMPETENCES AND SKILLS

Contribution of Nations to Sports and PANEURHYTHMY IN BULGARIA

About the Theory of RECREATION

Dimitar Kaykov

Dimitar Kaykov ( 1 Files )

Professor, Dr. Habil. Lecturer in Psychology at Vassil Levski National Sport Academy (NSA) in Sofia, Bulgaria. Supervises the Paneurhuythmy training since 1999 as Director of the NSA Qualifications centre. 


Paneurhythmy for Harmonious DEVELOPMENT.


Malcho Malchev, Dimitrinka Tsonkova

Malcho Malchev, Dimitrinka Tsonkova ( 2 Files )

M.Malchev, Professor, Dr.Habil. Lecturer in Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Sport at St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo and Konstantin Preslavski University of Shumen.

D.Tsonkova, Associate Professor, PhD, Lecturer in Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Sport at the Education Faculty of St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo

Integrative Approach in TEACHING PANEURHYTHMY

MOTOR SKILLS Development

Ludmila Chervenkova, Zshivka Zsheliaskova-Koynova

Ludmila Chervenkova, Zshivka Zsheliaskova-Koynova ( 1 Files )

L.Chervenkova, Assistant Professor in Kinesitherapy at Vassil Levski National Sports Academy in Sofia

Z.Zsheliaskova-Koynova, Associate Professor, PhD in Sport Psychology at Vassil Levski National Sports Academy in Sofia



Nurcan Köse

Nurcan Köse ( 3 Files )

Associate Professor, PhD

Lecturer in English at the English Language Department, Education Faculty of Mustafa Kemal University in Hatay.



Hana Kubíčková

Hana Kubíčková ( 1 Files )

Assistant professor, PhD

Lecturer in Communication skills at the Education Faculty of the Ostrava University 


Communication Skills



Ionela Niculescu

Ionela Niculescu ( 1 Files )

Assistant professor, PhD

Lecturer in Recreation sports and Sportive games (Volleyball) at the Sports faculty of the University of Pitesti


The “Loisir” Concept


Andries Termote

Andries Termote ( 1 Files )


Lecturer in Philosophy at KATHO, Department RENO


Fairy Tales


Godelieve Verraes

Godelieve Verraes ( 1 Files )

Lecturer in Dance, Fitness and wellness at KATHO, department RENO 

Body Balance