Measure 3/8
Tonality: E minor
Total: 128 measures, 1 measure = 1 movemеnt
SP for the exercise:
The partners face the centre of the circle, one behind the other.
Arms:The arms are folded in the elbows, forearms horizontal and parallel to the body, wrists stretched. The hands are in front of the chest, palms down, fingers together and stretched. The middle fingers of both hands always touch in this position.
Legs: Feet together in standing position
Sequence of movements:
1. In place cycle:
First peak of the square. The partners face the centre of the circle, one behind the other, those from the inside circle are in front.
2. Forwards cycle:
First side of the square. The partners face the centre, one behind the other, those from the inside circle are in front. The movement is in a radius to the centre.
3. In place cycle:
Second peak. The partners have their right shoulder to the centre, and stay one next to the other.
4. Forwards cycle:
Second side. The partners have their right shoulder to the centre, and move one next to the other. The movement is in a line perpendicular to the one in 2.
5. In place cycle:
Third peak of the square. The partners have their backs to the centre, one behind the other, those from the outside circle are in front.
6. Forwards cycle:
Third side of the square. The partners move with their backs to the centre, one behind the other, those from the outside circle are in front. The movement is in a line perpendicular to the one in 4
7. In place cycle cycle:
Fourth peak. The partners have their left shoulders to the centre, and stay one next to the other.
8. Forwards cycle:
Fourth side. The partners have their left shoulders to the centre, and move one next to the other. The movement is in a line perpendicular to the one in 6.
Movements 1-8 outline a square. They repeat from measure 65 to 128 of the music.
FP for the exercise: same as SP but palms forwards. After the exercise is over the arms go by the sides of the body. Correct performance would bring the partners back to their initial positions on the circle (from the beginning of the exercise)!
IN PLACE cycle

SP = SP for the exercise.
Before the first performance palms are down. Before any next performance of the cycle palms in SP are forwards.
Arms:Palms turn down with middle fingers touching (during first performance they are down since SP). Arms unfold in the elbows horizontally forwards and sideways and move to a horizontal position to the sides, stretched, palms down, fingers together.
Legs:The right foot moves sideways to the right with stretched knee, and touches the ground with tiptoes.
Duration:one measure
Arms:Arms retrace their way to SP.
Legs:The right foot retraces its way to SP with stretched knee.
Duration:one measure
Arms:Arms unfold in the elbows horizontally forwards and sideways and move to a horizontal position to the sides, stretched, palms down, fingers together.
Legs:The left foot moves sideways to the left with stretched knee, and touches the ground with tiptoes.
Duration:one measure
Arms:Arms retrace their way to SP.
Legs:The left foot retraces its way to SP with stretched knee.
Duration:one measure
Movements 1-4 repeat.
FP = SP of the exercise, palms down.
SP = SP for the exercise.
Arms:Palms turn forwards with middle fingers touching (below the chin). Arms unfold in the elbows vertically up in front of the face and move to a horizontal position to the sides, stretched, palms forwards, fingers together.
Legs:Step with the right foot
Duration:one measure
Arms:Arms retrace their way to the SP, but with palms forwards.
Legs:Step with the left foot
Duration:one measure
Movements 1 and 2 repeat 4 times, and for the legs 7 and 8 are different:

7:Perpendicular step forwards with right foot. Tiptoes point in a direction perpendicular to the direction of movement.
The body begins a quarter turn to the left (90°).
The left foot moves next to the right one (in the new direction).The body finishes with the quarter turn to the left (90°).

SP = SP for the exercise but with palms forwards.
Published in
17.2. Music and movement