We are at one with nature, gaining strength from it. In the first part our arms are the Sun, which rises, we benefit from the solar energies. In the second part, our hands are springing waters, springs, we benefit from the water energies. In the third part we perform the ongoing exchange between us and nature in our lives. The natural processes are the sunrise and the spring gushing forth from the earth: beginning of display of light, warmth, water. In people these processes are metaphor for the appearance of something new, of possibilities, talent, idea, feeling, inspired by the vital powers of nature.
"The arms make arch-like movements upwards and to the sides, and then come back to the chest. Afterwards the hands make scooping movements which imitate the gushing forth of spring waters. The first part represents the process of originating of something new. All solar energies go into the person so that s/he can grow and develop. The second part represents how life-giving forces flow through us like mighty waters". [Beinsa Douno, Paneurhythmy, p.80],
Zoun Mezoun, zoun mezoun: “The whole of our life, all of our life”. Binom Toumeto: “Let it now be so!” [Beinsa Douno,Paneurhythmy, 2004, p.71]
1. Текст: Finish up the sentences “If I were theSun… If I were a wellspring…”.
2. Drawing: Draw a picture of sunrise. Draw an illustration to the exercise.
3. Questions: “The Sun is Me”(Loui XIV): what does a Sun inside us stand for? In Dutch [zunmezun] is “kiss me kiss”: what isthe kiss of nature?
4. Experience: Tell us of situation and experiences when you have receivedstrength and energy by being in touch with nature. What is the feeling?
5. Imagination: Imagine, while you play the exercisethat: 1. Your arms rise up likethe Sun;2. Your hands scoop water from two springs gushingforth by your sides.
6. Affirmation: Write your own positive affirmation about the exercise. For example: I am like a Sun giving light and joy.
7. Quote: You can always find the sun within yourself if you will only search (Maxwell Maltz). Books:The Hidden messages in Water(Masaru Emoto).Find your favourite quotes on the Rising Sun.