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Home Paneurhythmy 18.Beauty Music & Movement


Measure: 3/4
Tonality: B minor
Total: 90 measures
1 measure = 1 movement


Arms: Arms are down by the sides of the body. 
Legs:  Feet are together in standing position.
18 Beauty, right
Arms:  The right arm moves upward and forward to 45˚, with hand upward and forward, palm down. Simultaneously the left arm moves down to the back to 45˚, with hand down to the back, palm upwards. Both arms are stretched in the elbows and in the wrists.
Legs: Step forward with the right foot. The weight of the body transfers to it with a slight swing, so that the left foot lifts up a little from the ground at the end of the movement.
Duration: 1 measure
Arms: The arms keep their position: the right is 45˚ up, the left is 45˚ down to the back.
Legs: With a slight swing the weight of the body transfers to the left foot and it steps down some inches forward in respect to its initial position (making a tiny step, but still remaining to the back). Then the right foot lifts up a little from the ground.
Duration: 1 measure
Arms: The arms start a movement of change of position. The left arm starts towards 45˚upward and forward, the right starts towards 45˚down to the back, stretched.
Legs: The right foot steps down some inches forward, in respect to its initial position.
Duration: 1 measure
Movements 1-3 repeat symmetrically (left-right) in movements 4-6:
18 Beauty, left
Arms: The arms continue their movement and the left reaches upward and forward at 45˚, the right down to the back at 45˚.
Legs: Step with the left foot. The right foot lifts up a little.
Duration: 1 measure
Arms: The arms keep their positions of 45˚.
Legs: The right foot steps some inches forward in respect to its initial position. The left foot lifts up a little. 
Duration:  1 measure
Arms: The arms start a movement of change of position: the right up, the left down.
Legs: The left foot steps some inches forward in respect to its initial position.
Duration: 1 measure
Movements 1-6 make up a cycle which repeats 15 times
Final Position = return to SP.
For the palm of the back hand: the palm turns to "face" the body (the whole arm remains straight from the shoulder to the tips of the fingers).