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Step by step, Marieta StoychevaStep by step, Gabriela Jonczy



Step by step in life we rise,
Ever growing, good and wise;
Never hurry, never stop,
Till we reach the highest top.
Conquering obstacles, fearless and powerful,
Blazing a light path with a song,
Helping our brothers, lending a ready hand,
Constantly righting every wrong.
We rise in life by slow degrees,
Learning from nature’s flowers and trees
How in due season her deep reason
Every task fulfills.
In winter nature is at rest,
Like a good mother she knows best
When to awaken plants to life,
When birds must build their nest.
(Repeat from “In winter”)
In springtime, gay springtime all beings sing;
The forest, the meadows with music ring
(Repeat from “In springtime”)
Feel the freshness of the morn,
Be again like newly born,
Blue skies above you, fragrant the air,
Fill you with life, fill you with love – 
Gone is every care.
(Repeat from “Feel”)

We move towards a bright future by making progress everyday, slowly, step by step. In the language of gesture the right foot extends to the side, then forwards, then moves forwards step by step, making progress in the right direction. The left leg repeats the movement.  In this way we move forwards step by step along the path of life, with mind and heart at work, while the hands on the hips help us maintain stability.

“One stands with the feet together and moves one foot at a time, first to the side and then to the front, and then moves forwards. When the feet are separate.. the energy of the sun comes down. When both feet are together, the earth’s energy is transmitted to the sun.. Through these movements one develops the ability to perceive when the sun is active and when the earth is active.” [Beinsa Douno, Paneurhythmy, p.82]


Step by step, Stefka Nikolova (follow-up activities)Step by step, Jill Vandenbussche



1. Text: How is the step by step movement described in the text? Write in your own beautiful words what is it that we can do step by step.

2. Drawing: Draw an illustration to the exercise.

3. Questions: A pumpkin grows in 3 months and an oak tree in 300 years.  What are the advantages and disadvantages of rapid and slow growth? Give other examples of quick and slow progress and their results.

4. Experience: Tell us of situations and experiences where you have made step by step progress. What is the feeling?

5. Imagination: Imagine while you play the exercise that you are moving step-by-step towards something you desire/ something good.

6. Affirmation: Write your own positive affirmation about Step by Step. For example: Step by step I reach my goal. Every day, step by step, I develop my patience.

Step by step, Dinko Georgiev (work of nature in the cave)Step by step, Halim Akcakaya