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Paneurhythmy is a system of psycho-physical exercises, exercised for good health and vitality, applicable for recreation for people of all ages. It was created in Bulgaria in the beginning of the 20th century by Beinsa Douno, philosopher and composer. The word “pan-eu-rhythm-y” literally means good and harmonious rhythm everywhere and in everything, also known as “supreme cosmic rhythm”. The system consists of three parts. The first one is basic with 45-50 minutes duration, named Paneurhythmy. The second and third parts (Sunrays and Pentacle) have 8-10 minutes duration and a more complex choreography. Paneurhythmy is performed in a group, in couples, and in a circle in the centеr of which is the music. It is exercised every morning in the warm seasons, in the open, in natural surroundings. The training in the cold seasons is done indoors.
There are 28 exercise in the first part Paneurhythmy. Each exercise has its specific music, movement and text, performed simultaneously and in correspondence. At the same time each exercise has an idea, which is named in the title, performed with the movement, illustrated with the text. The ideas are universal and may be illustrated with various examples from life – with processes and states in nature, human relations and in the person - our thoughts, feelings, and activity. The first Paneurhythmy textbook says that “the whole life is Paneurhythmy” (1938), so everyone may find examples in line with their understanding and observations. 
This on-line textbook is for the students, who participated in the intensive program. It is illustrated by their photos and drawings. The students’ projects are creative, educational, and part of the program activities, but at the same time the students had fun with them. So it is possible to have some omissions. To make the site more comprehensive and interactive we would be glad to receive your photos and drawings, and they will be added after the administrator’s approval to the respective exercise.
Literature used:
Беинса Дуно, Паневритмия, София, 1938
Беинса Дуно, Паневритмия, София 2004
Beinsa Douno, Paneurhythmy, Sofia, 2004
Ръководство за изучаване на паневритмия, София 1999




Breathing -1





1 and 2 repeat 3 times


Measure 7/16
Tonality:  C major
Total: 64 measures 
1 measure = 1 movement
part 1:
part 2:
the whole exercise
2 cycles
Sequence of movements:
1. cycle „Three steps and to the back”
Music: 16 measures from 1 to 16; Text: verse 1; Movements: 4+4+4+4
2. cycle „Two steps and to the back” 
Music: 16 measures from 17 to 32; Text: verse 2; Movements: 6+6+4
The two cycles repeat one after the other.
24 - SP
SP for the exercise:
Arms: The hands are on the hips, thumbs behind, elbows to the sides. 
Legs: Feet are together in standing position. 
SP= SP of the exercise 
Arms:  For the whole cycle the hands are on the hips, thumbs behind, elbows to the sides.
 a.24- 1 - 1ab.24 - 1 -1b
Legs:  The right foot steps. 
Duration: 1 measure. 
24 - 1 - 2
Legs: The left foot steps. 
Duration: 1 measure. 
24 - 1 - 3a24 - 1 - 3b
Legs:  The right foot steps and the weight of the body transfers to it. Next, the left foot bends in the knee and slightly lifts off the ground to the back. 
Duration:  1 measure.
24 - 1- 4a24 - 1- 4b
Legs:  The left foot returns to its place to the back and the weight of the body transfers to it. Next, the right foot bends in the knee and lifts off the ground
Duration: 1 measure.  
Movements 1-4 repeat 4 times.
FP for the cycle:
Arms: Hands on the hips, thumbs behind, elbows to the sides
Legs: The right foot is bent in the knee and lifted off the ground.  
24 - 1- 4b
Arms: Hands on the hips, thumbs behind, elbows to the sides
Legs: The right foot is bent in the knee and lifted off the ground. 
 a.24 - 2 - 1ab.24 - 2 - 1b
Arms: Hands move down by the sides of the body and slightly to the back. Partners join their inside hands, right palm over left palm, and start moving them forwards and upwards, stretched in the elbows. The free outside hands move up parallel to the inside, stretched in the elbows and in the wrists. 
Legs: The right foot steps forward and the weight of the body transfers to it. Next, the left foot bends in the knee and lifts off the ground to the back.
Duration: 1 measure. 
Arms: The hands continue their movement up to 45 degrees upwards and forwards. 
Legs: First, the left foot steps forward and the weight of the body transfers to it. Next, the right foot bends in the knee and slightly lifts off the ground to the back.
Duration: 1 measure. 
Arms: The arms move down, elbows stretched, to retrace their way down and to the back to 45°. 
Legs: The right foot returns to its place to the back and the weight of the body transfers to it. Next, the left foot slightly bends in the knee and lifts off the ground
Duration: 1 measure. 
Movements 1-3 repeat symmetrically with 4-6, starting with the left foot.
Movements 1-6 repeat 2 times + 4 movements, total 16 movements.
Cycles 1+2 repeat 2 times.
FP for the exercise:
After the last position 4 of cycle Two Steps (arms forwards and downwards, right foot lifted off the ground to the back) the arms continue their movement to a position upwards and forwards and the right foot steps forward.  
After the exercise is over the arms move down by the sides. Legs come together in standing position. 
The music has a long version of 160 measures and cycles 1+2 repeat 5 times.

Starting position:

Providence- SP, 1a

at 1:

Providence- SP, 1aProvidence- 1bProvidence- 1c, 2a

at 2

Providence- 1c, 2aProvidence- 2bProvidence- 2cProvidence- Final Position

1 and 2 repeat 3 times.


Final position:

Providence- Final Position




Measure 3/ 8
Tonality: C major
Total: 144 measures 
1 measure = 1 movement
part 1:
part 2:
part 3 (4):
Beautiful day
4 cycles
Sequence of movements:
1. „Hands on hips”
Music: 32 measures from 1 to 32; Text: verse 1; Movements 1-8 repeat 4 times.
2. „ Alternative hand up at 45°” 
Music: 24 measures from 33 to 56; Text: verse 2; Movements 1-8 repeat 3 times.
3. „ Inside partner hands hold”
Music: 32 measures from 57 to 88; Text: verse 1; Movementss 1-8 repeat 4 times.
4. „ Alternative partner hands hold”
Music: 56 measures from 89 to 144; Text: verses 2+1; Movements 1-8 repeat 7 times.
SP, 1a
SP for the exercise:
Arms: The hands are on the hips, thumbs behind, elbows to the sides. 
Legs: Feet are together in standing position. 
SP = SP of the exercise
Arms: For the whole cycle the hands are on the hips, thumbs behind, elbows to the sides. 
Legs: The right leg extends forward in the air, the foot slightly above the ground. Next the left leg bends at the knee and then extends again with a springing motion. During this motion the right foot comes closer to the ground without touching it. 
Duration: 1 measure
Legs: The left leg bends at the knee and then extends again with a springing motion. 
Duration: 1 measure
3: = 2
Legs: The right foot steps down forwards, the left foot remains to the back on toes.
Duration: 1 measure 
Movements 5-8 are symmetrical to 1-4, on right foot.
Movements 1-8 repeat 4 times.
FP: Hands on hips. Left foot to the back on toes.
2. HAND UP AT 45°
SP: Hands on hips. Left foot to the back on toes. 
Arms: The left hand is on the hip, thumb behind, elbow to the side. The right hand extends forwards and upwards at an angle of 45°, palm forwards.
Legs: The right leg extends forward in the air, the foot slightly above the ground. Next the left leg bends at the knee and then extends again with a springing motion. During this motion the right foot comes closer to the ground without touching it. 
Duration: 1 measure
Arms: The left hand is on the hip. The right arm is at 45°, palm forwards.
Legs: The left leg bends at the knee and then extends again with a springing motion. 
Duration: 1 measure
3: = 2
Arms: The left hand is on the hip. The right hand returns to the hip.
Legs: The right foot steps down forwards, the left foot remains to the back on toes.
Duration: 1 measure
Movements 5-8 are symmetrical to 1-4, on right foot.
Movements 1-8 repeat 3 times.
FP: Hands on hips. Left foot to the back on toes. 
SP: Hands on hips. Left foot to the back on toes.
Arms: Partners hold their inside hands: the partner in the outer circle lifts his/her left hand up with palm open and turned upwards and the partner in the inner circle places his right hand over it with palm turned downwards. The outside hands stay on the hips. 
Legs: The right leg extends forward in the air, the foot slightly above the ground. Next the left leg bends at the knee and then extends again with a springing motion. During this motion the right foot comes closer to the ground without touching it.  
Duration:  1 measure
Arms: = 1. 
Legs: The left leg bends at the knee and then extends again with a springing motion. 
Duration: 1 measure
3: = 2
Arms: = 1. 
Legs: The right foot steps down forwards, the left foot remains to the back on toes.
Duration: 1 measure
Movements 5-8 are symmetrical to 1-4, on right foot.
Movements 1-8 repeat 4 times.
SP: Arms by the sides of the body. Left foot to the back on toes.
Arms: The inside hands are by the sides of the body. The outside hands move to the sides and up in an arch-like movement and join up, above the heads. The right palm of the outer partner is upwards, the left palm of the inside partner is down. (If joint hands were down the right palm would be above).
Legs: The right leg extends forward in the air, the foot slightly above the ground. Next the left leg bends at the knee and then extends again with a springing motion. During this motion the right foot comes closer to the ground without touching it. 
Duration: 1 measure
Arms: The inside hands are by the sides of the body. The outside hands are joined up. 
Legs: The left leg bends at the knee and then extends again with a springing motion. 
Duration: 1 measure
3: = 2. 
Arms: The inside hands are by the sides of the body. The outside hands retrace way to SP.
Legs: The right foot steps down forwards, the left foot remains to the back on toes.
Duration: 1 measure
Movements 5-8 are on right foot and with the inside hands joint: right palm over the left palm, elbows bent. The outside arms are by the sides.
Movements 1-8 repeat 7 times.
FP for the exercise:
Arms down by the sides. Legs come together in standing position.


Measure 6/8
Tonality, consequently: 
C major,A minor,Fmajor,Dminor
Total: 96 measures 
1 measure = 2 movements


One cycle of 6 parts
Sequence of movements:
1. Right foot to the sides. Music: 2 measures from 1 to 2; Movements: 2+2
2. Right foot forwards. Music: 2 measures from 3 to 4; Movements: 2+2
3. Steps starting right. Music: 2 measures from 5 to 6; Movements: 2+2
4. Left foot to the sides. Music: 2 measures from 7 to 8; Movements: 2+2
5. Left foot forwards. Music: 2 measures from 9 to 10; Movements: 2+2
6. Steps starting left. Music: 2 measures from 11 to 12; Movements: 2+2
The sequence 1-6 repeats 8 times, 96 measures. 
SP for the exercise:
25 - SP
Arms: In SP and during the whole exercise the hands are on the hips, fingers together, thumbs behind, elbows to the sides. 
Legs: Feet are together in standing position. The movements in this exercise are only by the legs.
SP = SP of the exercise
25 - r-r25 - SP25 - r-r25 - SP
Legs: The right foot extends to the right side, slightly touching the ground with its toes. The knees are stretched. The weight is on the left foot.
Duration: 3 beats (half measure).
Legs: The right foot retraces its way to SP, knees straight. 
Duration: 3 beats (half measure).
Movements 1 and 2 repeat
SP = SP of the exercise
25-r-f25 - SP25-r-f25 - SP
Legs: The right foot extends forwards, slightly touching the ground with its toes. The knees are stretched. The weight is on the left foot.
Duration: 3 beats (half measure).
Legs: The right foot retraces its way to SP, knees straight. 
Duration: 3 beats (half measure).
Movements 1 and 2 repeat
SP = SP of the exercise
25-r-step25 - l -step25-r-step25 - SP
Legs: The right foot steps.
Duration: 3 beats (half measure).
Legs: The left foot steps. 
Duration: 3 beats (half measure).
Movements 1 and 2 repeat
SP = SP of the exercise
25 - l foot-l25 - SP25 - l foot-l25 - SP
Legs: The left foot extends to the left side, slightly touching the ground with its toes. The knees are stretched. The weight is on the right foot.
Duration: 3 beats (half measure).
Legs: The left foot retraces its way to SP, knees straight. 
Duration: 3 beats (half measure).
Movements 1 and 2 repeat
SP = SP of the exercise1:
25- l f- f25 - SP25- l f- f25 - SP
Legs: The left foot extends forwards, slightly touching the ground with its toes. The knees are stretched. The weight is on the left foot.
Duration: 3 beats (half measure).
Legs: The left foot retraces its way to SP, knees straight. 
Duration: 3 beats (half measure).
Movements 1 and 2 repeat
SP = SP of the exercise
25 - l -step25-r-step25 -l step25 - SP
Legs: The left foot steps.
Duration: 3 beats (half measure).
Legs: The left foot steps. 
Duration: 3 beats (half measure).
Movements 1 and 2 repeat
The sequence 1-6 repeats 8 times, 96 measures.
FP for the exercise:
= SP


Measure: 3/8

Tonality: F major
Total: 120 measures
1 measure = 1 movement


1 cycle: 6 movements
Total: 20 cycles
SP for the exercise
Partners face each other. Those on the inside circle with their back to the centre of the circle and those on the outer circle with their face to it.
exercise 22 - SP
Inside SP: 
Arms: The right hand (now back hand), palm down, is raised to face level and placed on the left palm of the partner. The left hand (now front hand), palm up, is raised to solar plexus level and holds the fingers of the right hand of the partner with thumb on the top. The elbows are curved.
Legs: The weight of the body is on the right foot (now back foot), the left is on toes to the left side (now front foot).
Outside SP: 
Arms: The left hand (now back hand), palm up, is raised to face level and holds the fingers of the right hand of the partner with thumb on the top. The right hand (now front hand), palm down, is raised to solar plexus level and placed on the left palm of the partner. The elbows are curved.
Legs: The weight of the body is on the left foot (now back foot), the right is on toes to the right side (now front foot).
1: Partners are face to face, next they turn forwards
exercise 22 - 1
Arms: Hands make arch-like movements forwards: the front hands move up to face level and the back hands move down.
Legs: The toes of the front foot turn forwards and the weight of the body is transferred to it. The back foot remains on toes, pointing forwards. Toes never lift off the ground.
Duration: 1 measure
2: Partners turn back to back
exercise 22 - 2exercise 22 - 2b
Arms: Hands of partners separate, each moves his/her hands in front of the chest with elbows horizontal to the sides and middle fingers touch, palms down. Next the hands move in semicircles down and to the sides to horizontal position, palms down. 
Legs: The back foot makes a step forwards in perpendicular direction: toes of the inside partner point to the centre of the circle, toes of the outside partner point opposite. The weight of the body transfers to the perpendicular foot, while the back foot remains on toes which rotate in the same direction as the front foot. Toes never lift off the ground.
Duration: 1 measure
3: Partners are back to back
exercise 22 - 4
Arms: The back arm folds in the elbow in a horizontal semicircle and the hand goes in front of the chest with palm down, elbow to the sides. Simultaneously the front arm folds in the elbow with a descending semicircle down and up with palm up and the hand goes in front of the chest, elbow to the body. Both forearms line up in a diagonal. Hands touch, palm to palm with each thumb is on top of the other hand; each hand holds the fingers of the other hand between its fingers and thumb. For a moment the fingers of the front hand lightly stroke the fingers of the back hand while arms move apart. 
Legs: The weight of the body gradually moves to the back foot, while the front remains on toes. Toes never lift off the ground.
Duration: 1 measure
4. Partners are back to back, next they turn forwards
Arms: Hands separate and move forwards and upwards; elbows come down by the sides of the body.
Legs: The toes of the front foot turn forwards and the weight of the body is transferred to it. The back foot remains on toes, pointing forwards. Toes never lift off the ground.
Duration: 1 measure
5: Partners turn face to face
exercise 22 - 5
Arms: Partners hold each other by the hands and the hands move to a position symmetrical to SP: front hands move forwards and up to face level and back hands move  to solar plexus level. Elbows curved.
Legs: The back foot makes a step forwards in perpendicular direction: toes of the inside partner point opposite to the centre of the circle, toes of the outside partner point to the centre. The weight of the body transfers to the perpendicular foot, while the back foot remains on toes which rotate towards the partner. Toes never lift off the ground.
Duration: 1 measure
6: Partners are face to face
exercise 22 - 6
Arms: Arms make arch-like movements up/down to return to SP: the front hands move down to solar plexus level and the back hands move up to face level. Elbows curved.
Legs: The weight of the body gradually moves to the back foot, while the front remains on toes. Toes never lift off the ground.
Duration: 1 measure
Movements 1-6 make a cycle which repeats 20 times.
When the exercise is over, the arms go down by the sides of the body. The legs come together in standing position. Partners turn forwards.


Measure: ¾

Tonality: G major
Total: 80 measures
1 measure = 1 movement


1 cycle = 10 movements
Total: 8 cycles
SP, 1a
SP for the exercise: The partners face the centre of the circle, one behind the other.
Arms: The right arm is extended to the right side horizontally. The left arm is folded in front of the chest, forearm parallel to the right arm. Palms are down.
Legs: The weight of the body is on the right foot. The left foot is to the left and touches the ground with stretched toes.
1: Swinging to the left. 
SP, 1ainterim -to the left1b, 2a, 3b, 4a
Arms: Both arms outline descending semicircles down and to the left side. The arms move parallel, close to the body, with palms to the body. The left arm becomes horizontal, the right in front of the chest, forearm parallel to the left arm, palms down. 
Legs: The toes of the left foot move slightly to the left and the left foot steps. The weight of the body gradually transfers to it while the toes of the right foot lift slightly off the ground and move a little to the left. 
Duration: 1 measure 
2: Swinging to the right.
2b, 3ainterim to the right1b, 2a, 3b, 4a
Arms and legs: symmetrical to 1, to the right.
Duration: 1 measure 
3: Swinging to the left.
2b, 3ainterim -to the left1b, 2a, 3b, 4a
Arms and legs: = 1
Duration: 1 measure
4: Turning to the right/forwards.
9b, 10aп пinterim to the rightрр1b, 2a, 3b, 4a
Arms: Both arms outline descending semicircles down and to the right side. Simultaneously the body turns to the right and the arms reach horizontal position forwards, parallel, palms down.
Legs: The toes of the right foot move to the right with toes forward and the right foot steps with toes pointing to the right (forwards). The weight of the body gradually transfers to it while the heel of the left foot takes off and the foot rotates on toes to the right (forward). 
Duration: 1 measure
5: Step forwards.
5b, 6a9b, 10a
Arms: Both arms rise slowly forwards and upwards at 45 degrees, parallel, palms forwards and upwards.
Legs: The left foot moves to the front and steps, the weight of the body transfers to it. The right foot remains on toes, to the back. 
Duration: 1 measure 
Movements 1-5 repeat symmetrically right/left with one's back to the centеr
6: Turning and swinging to the right.
5b, 6a6b, 8b
Arms: Both arms outline descending semicircles to the right side, while simultaneously the body turns to the right. The right arm reaches a position horizontal to the right side, while the left is folded in front of the chest, forearm parallel to the right arm. Arms move parallel one to another with palms down.
Legs: The toes of the right foot move to the right with toes out and the right foot steps with toes pointing out. The weight of the body gradually transfers to it while the toes of the left foot lift slightly off the ground and move a little to the right.
Duration: 1 measure
7: Swinging to the left.
7b, 8a6b, 8b
Arms and legs: symmetrical to 2 (to the left)
8: Swinging to the right.
7b, 8a6b, 8b
Arms and legs: symmetrical to 3 (to the right)
9: Turning to the left/forwards.
9b, 10a6b, 8b
Arms and legs: symmetrical to 4 (to the left)
10: Step forwards.
10b9b, 10a
Arms and legs: symmetrical to 5 (the right foot steps) 
Movements 1-10 make up a cycle which repeats 8 times.  
Movement 1 (for cycles from 2 to 8):
The movement begins from a different Starting Position: the body is turned forwards, the arms are lifted forwards and upwards. The movement which follows is again "swinging to the left". 
10binterim -to the left1b, 2a, 3b, 4a
FP for the exercise  = end of movement 10: 
Arms: Arms forwards and upwards at 45 degrees, parallel, palms forwards and upwards.
Legs: The weight is on the right foot, the left foot is on toes to the back. 


Measure: 3/8

Tonality: G major
Total: 80 measures
1 measure = 1 movement


1 cycle = 6 movements
Total: 13 cycles and 2 movements
Arms: The right arm is to the right side, down and back at an angle of 45°, stretched in elbow and wrist, palm facing the body. The left arm is folded in the elbow, forearm in front of the chest, wrist folded and palm parallel to the right arm.
Legs: Feet together in standing position. 
Arms: Both arms move parallel forwards and upwards to an angle of 45°.
Legs: On the very first performance of the cycle, feet remain together. On every other performance, at 1 we have step with the left foot.
Duration: 1 measure 


Arms: Both arms fold in the elbows, palms forward. Next the elbows unfold and the palms move as if they push up something energetically upwards and forwards to 45° with wrists bent and palms facing forward, vertical. The arms are parallel.
Legs: Step with the right foot. The left remains on the ground, on toes, to the back.
Duration: 1 measure
Arms: The arms take a position symmetrical to SP: The left arm moves stretched to 45° down to the back with palm facing the body. The right arm folds in the elbow, forearm in front of the chest, wrist folded and palm parallel to the left arm.
Legs: The weight of the body transfers to the left foot. The right foot lifts off the ground, knee bent, and tiptoes point to the ground.
Duration: 1 measure
Movements 1, 2, 3 repeat symmetrically (left to right) with movements 4, 5, 6.
All six make up a cycle which repeats 13 times + 2 movements.
FP = end of movement 2. 
When the exercise is over, the arms go down by the sides of the body. The legs come together in standing position.


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