We work out, we build something with persistence. Weaving is the only work/labour activity in the lyrics of Paneurhythmy. We work under some binary conditions: with our mind and heart (by moving left and right), between two poles (by moving between two opposite positions), and in pair with our partner (by moving simultaneously in complementary directions to the inside and to the outside). In the activity of weaving the thread moves sideways left/right, and pushing mechanism – forwards; in the exercise this is performed with stepping sideways steps, followed stepping forwards. Some examples for processes and states in nature, person and relationships:
- birds weave their nests in pairs;
- on a loom we weave textile/carpets;
- we work on/construct a product;
- we work on our perfection and development;
- we build good relationships;
- in nature, the energy flow of electricity and magnetism between two poles is work;
- when we have an opponent to our idea, we weave our thoughts between our viewpoint and his viewpoint;
- when we have a subject of our attention, we weave our feelings between their attitude and our sympathy.
“This exercise expresses the organic process within nature, the process of building. Does not a circulation of electricity and magnetism occur between the North and South Poles of Earth? This is expressed in this exercise through the crossing movements from left to right, and vice versa. Furthermore, polarity exists within every material particle. Between the two poles, electric and magnetic energy flows. These forces work within people as well. Every organ has its polarity. This exercise leads us to perceive, on the one hand, the constructive principle within nature; and on the other hand, it indicates one right way of introducing harmony and rhythm into this process both internally in us, as well as externally in the life of humankind” [Beinsa Douno, Paneurhythmy, p.79]
1. Text: Weaving is a metaphor as well: what example does the text provide? Write in your own beautiful words a sentence/ essay/poem about the “the loom of life”.
2. Drawing:Draw an illustration to the exercise. Draw a rug with your partner without lifting your pencils from the sheet, moving them forwards and sideways as in the exercise.
3. Questions: What activities require thread by thread efforts in order to achieve final result? How do you weave a good feeling/thought?
4. Experience: Tell us of situation and experiences when you have worked out something with persistency. What is the feeling?
5. Imagination: Imagine, while you play the exercise, that you and your partner work out a beautiful texture together.
6. Positive affirmations: Write your own positive affirmation for weaving. For example: We work out something nice together. I weave beautiful thoughts/feelings.
7. Quotes: People forget how fast you did a job – but they remember how well you did it (Howard Newton). We sleep, but the loom of life never stops, and the pattern which was weaving when the sun went down is weaving when it comes up in the morning (Henry Ward Beecher). Find your favourive quote for Weaving.
Measure: 2/4 |
SP for all cycles |
Arms: |
Legs: |
The arms are folded in the elbows, forearms horizontal and parallel to the body, wrists stretched. The hands are in front of the chest, palms down, fingers together and stretched. The middle fingers of both hands always touch in this position. |
Feet together in standing position. |
Music |
Text |
Move ments |
1. „Forwards”:
All move forwards. |
measures from 1 to 4 |
„Day by day, hour by hour, weaving on life’s loom” |
8 steps forwards |
2. „Sideways to the right (left)”:
Inside partners perform “Sideways to the right” (to the outside) and become an outer circle. Outside partners perform “Sideways to the left” (to the inside) and become an inside circle. |
measures from 5 to 8 |
„Thoughts divine, feelings fine coming into bloom” |
8 steps sideways |
3. Forwards”:
All move forwards. |
measures from 9 to 12 |
„For the new love and light now prepare we ample room” |
8 steps forwards |
4. „Sideways to the left (right)”:
Outside partners perform “Sideways to the left” (to the inside) and return to the inside circle. Inside partners perform “Sideways to the right” (to the outside) and return to the outer circle. |
measures from 13 to 16 |
„Every day think and say that light will come tomorrow”
8 steps sideways |
These 4 cycles repeat 4 times (measures 1-16, 17-32, 33-48, 49-60). The last time only cycles 1-3 are performed (without the last “Sideways”). |
FP for the exercise: |
The partners on the inside circle at the beginning of the exercise, are on the outside circle at the end and vice versa. When the exercise is over the arms go down by the sides and those on the “new” outer circle make two steps forward to level up with their partners. |
Arms: |
Legs: |
Duration: |
1: |
The arms unfold in the elbows horizontally forwards and sideways, and move to a horizontal position to the sides, stretched, palms down, fingers together. |
The right foot steps forward. |
half measure (1 beat) |
2: |
Arms retrace their way to SP. |
The left foot steps forward. |
half measure (1 beat) |
Movements 1 and 2 repeat 4 times. The last 8th movement is transition to SP: |
8: |
Arms retrace their way smoothly to SP. |
The left foot moves next to the right foot in SP. |
half measure (1 beat) |
Arms: |
Legs: |
Duration: |
1: |
The arms unfold in the elbows horizontally forwards and sideways, and move to a horizontal position to the sides, stretched, palms down, fingers together. |
The left foot crosses over the right foot and steps sideways to the right of the right foot and in front of it. Each foot follows its own track. The body remains to the front. |
half measure (1 beat) |
2: |
Arms retrace their way to SP. |
The right foot steps sideways-to-the-right of the left foot and behind it. Each foot follows its own track. The body remains to the front. |
half measure (1 beat) |
Movements 1 and 2 repeat 4 times. The last 8th movement is transition to SP: |
8: |
Arms retrace their way to SP. |
The right foot moves to the right and forwards, and besides the left foot in SP. |
half measure (1 beat) |
Arms: |
Legs: |
Duration: |
1: |
The arms unfold in the elbows horizontally forwards and sideways, and move to a horizontal position to the sides, stretched, palms down, fingers together. |
The right foot crosses over the left foot and steps sideways to the left of the left foot and in front of it. Each foot follows its own track. The body remains to the front. |
half measure (1 beat) |
2: |
Arms retrace their way to SP. |
The left foot steps sideways-to-the-left of the right foot and behind it. Each foot follows its own track. The body remains to the front. |
half measure (1 beat) |
Movements 1 and 2 repeat 4 times. The last 8th movement is transition to SP: |
8: |
Arms retrace their way to SP. |
The left foot comes to the left and forwards, besides the right foot as in the SP. |
half measure (1 beat) |