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Home Paneurhythmy 21.Joy of the Earth

Joy of the Earth, Gabriela JonczyJoy of the Earth, Stefka Nikolova (follow-up activities)


Build a new home where joy can live,
Build it of music life that can give,
Build it of purity, build it of light,
Make it a palace large and white.
Let its windows be open wide.
Freely let in the morning light.
Joy will come, that lovely queen,
Readily she will enter in.
So now with music 
your new home begin.
Build with gladness. 
Build in the springtime morning.
As in heaven, 
the Sun your home adorning.
Start here below, build high.
Let Earth and Sky take part
in all your labor. 
Share then your gifts 
with your neighbor.
A building of joy divine,
Filled with the bright sunshine,
Will be forever thine.


The idea of the exercise relates to the joy we have when we overcome some difficulty. This is the moment when we enjoy the fruit of our efforts. After a period of difficulties, working on them and solving them, comes a period when we enjoy what we have achieved. The poem (BG) is about the joy of the Sun and the Earth. In the language of gesture, with hands and feet, pointed to the ground we perform caressing the Earth like sunrays. Afterwards the arms reach upwards and forwards, like the Earth striving to the Sun and staying in its orbit. In the English poem the main character is happy for the new home s/he has and sky and Earth take part in this joy.

Exercises 17-21 are related thematically as a group. In 17.Square we have a problem situation, a task. With 18.Beauty and19.Agility we work to solve it using the hard and the mild approach. In 20.Conquering we solve and overcome it.  With21.The Joy of the Earth we perform the joy of the achieved.

“This exercise begins with swinging motions, first while facing the centre and then with the back turned to the centre. This is the reward for all that we have attained. It is the making use of, and the processing of that which we have received, and the joy of its fruit. These movements are arch-like, magnetic.” [Beinsa Douno, Paneurhythmy, p.80] 


Joy of the Earth, Silviya NedelchevaJoy of the Earth, Veronika Kaneva




1. Text: What expression of joy can be found in the text? Why is the main character in the poem happy? Give synonyms of “joy” and “to be happy”.

2. Drawing: Draw a picture of Joy. Draw a picture of the fruits of your efforts (in a given situation). Draw an illustration to the exercise.

3. Questions: What are the fruits of the efforts of the pupil/the student/the teacher? How can you show that you are happy?

4.  Experience:Tell us of situations when you have been happy with what you have achieved, with the fruits of your efforts.  What is the feeling?

5. Imagination: Imagine that: 1. with the swinging movements, your feet and arms are like sunrays caressing with tiptoes the Earth, the grass, the flowers; 2. with the step forward that your arms are like the Earth striving to reach the Sun and remaining in its orbit.

6. Affirmation: Write your own positive affirmation for Joy of the Earth. For example: The fruits of my efforts give me joy.

7. Quotes: It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness (Charles H.Spurgeon) Find your own favourite quote on the Joy of the Earth. 


Joy of the Earth, Ondrej SmetanaJoy of the Earth, Nevyana Momchilova




Measure: ¾

Tonality: G major
Total: 80 measures
1 measure = 1 movement


1 cycle = 10 movements
Total: 8 cycles
SP, 1a
SP for the exercise: The partners face the centre of the circle, one behind the other.
Arms: The right arm is extended to the right side horizontally. The left arm is folded in front of the chest, forearm parallel to the right arm. Palms are down.
Legs: The weight of the body is on the right foot. The left foot is to the left and touches the ground with stretched toes.
1: Swinging to the left. 
SP, 1ainterim -to the left1b, 2a, 3b, 4a
Arms: Both arms outline descending semicircles down and to the left side. The arms move parallel, close to the body, with palms to the body. The left arm becomes horizontal, the right in front of the chest, forearm parallel to the left arm, palms down. 
Legs: The toes of the left foot move slightly to the left and the left foot steps. The weight of the body gradually transfers to it while the toes of the right foot lift slightly off the ground and move a little to the left. 
Duration: 1 measure 
2: Swinging to the right.
2b, 3ainterim to the right1b, 2a, 3b, 4a
Arms and legs: symmetrical to 1, to the right.
Duration: 1 measure 
3: Swinging to the left.
2b, 3ainterim -to the left1b, 2a, 3b, 4a
Arms and legs: = 1
Duration: 1 measure
4: Turning to the right/forwards.
9b, 10aп пinterim to the rightрр1b, 2a, 3b, 4a
Arms: Both arms outline descending semicircles down and to the right side. Simultaneously the body turns to the right and the arms reach horizontal position forwards, parallel, palms down.
Legs: The toes of the right foot move to the right with toes forward and the right foot steps with toes pointing to the right (forwards). The weight of the body gradually transfers to it while the heel of the left foot takes off and the foot rotates on toes to the right (forward). 
Duration: 1 measure
5: Step forwards.
5b, 6a9b, 10a
Arms: Both arms rise slowly forwards and upwards at 45 degrees, parallel, palms forwards and upwards.
Legs: The left foot moves to the front and steps, the weight of the body transfers to it. The right foot remains on toes, to the back. 
Duration: 1 measure 
Movements 1-5 repeat symmetrically right/left with one's back to the centеr
6: Turning and swinging to the right.
5b, 6a6b, 8b
Arms: Both arms outline descending semicircles to the right side, while simultaneously the body turns to the right. The right arm reaches a position horizontal to the right side, while the left is folded in front of the chest, forearm parallel to the right arm. Arms move parallel one to another with palms down.
Legs: The toes of the right foot move to the right with toes out and the right foot steps with toes pointing out. The weight of the body gradually transfers to it while the toes of the left foot lift slightly off the ground and move a little to the right.
Duration: 1 measure
7: Swinging to the left.
7b, 8a6b, 8b
Arms and legs: symmetrical to 2 (to the left)
8: Swinging to the right.
7b, 8a6b, 8b
Arms and legs: symmetrical to 3 (to the right)
9: Turning to the left/forwards.
9b, 10a6b, 8b
Arms and legs: symmetrical to 4 (to the left)
10: Step forwards.
10b9b, 10a
Arms and legs: symmetrical to 5 (the right foot steps) 
Movements 1-10 make up a cycle which repeats 8 times.  
Movement 1 (for cycles from 2 to 8):
The movement begins from a different Starting Position: the body is turned forwards, the arms are lifted forwards and upwards. The movement which follows is again "swinging to the left". 
10binterim -to the left1b, 2a, 3b, 4a
FP for the exercise  = end of movement 10: 
Arms: Arms forwards and upwards at 45 degrees, parallel, palms forwards and upwards.
Legs: The weight is on the right foot, the left foot is on toes to the back.