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Early in the morning-1, Marieta StoychevaEarly in the morning, Preslava Petrova



Rising in the dawn makes you healthy, strong,
Rising in the dawn makes you healthy, strong,
ever young and ever glad,
marching on the upward path.
ever young and ever glad,
marching on the upward path.
We who love the light are free,
for our way we clearly see.
We who love the light are free,
for our way we clearly see.
(Repeat from the beginning 4 times)

The idea relates to the benefits we have when we practice Paneurhythmy. We become in harmony with nature and we benefit by improving our physical health and our mental, emotional and social wellbeing.

"We have three figures: semicircular movements of the one leg in front of the other, swing steps consequently on both feet, and parallel movements of legs and arms. With the first figure we set in harmony the energies of the body. With the second figure we step consecutively on heels and toes, where the feet correspond to the physical world and the toes to the mental. When we step on heels we receive from from the physical world, when we step on toes - from the mental. In both we settle the contradictions which exist. All three figures open the way for the correct use of the benefits which nature gives us." (Беинса Дуно, Паневритмия, С., 1938, с.82)


На ранина, Стефка Николова (дейности след ИП)На ранина, Динко Георгиев



1. Text: The text says that “Rising in the dawn (to play Paneurhythmy) makes you healthy, strong, ever young and ever glad, marching on the upward path”. In your own beautiful words write a sentence/poem for an advertisement for Paneurhythmy. It could be with music by your choice.

2. Drawing: Draw a picture of the dawn. Draw a newspaper/magazine advertisement for Paneurhythmics. Draw and illustration to the exercise.

3. Questions: Does Paneurhythmics affect us physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and why?

4. Experience: Tell us of your own experience, how you have benefited from Paneurhythics. 

5. Imagination:  Imagine while you play the exercise that you are becoming energized with these dynamic movements: younger, happier, healthier.

6. Affirmations: Write your own positive affirmation about Early in the morning. For example: Getting up early to play Paneurhythmy makes me happy.


На ранина, Jill VandenbusscheНа ранина, Halim Akçakaya