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Conquering, Preslava PetrovaConquering, Levi Otte - the good wins over the bad


After the night arrives the day,
And after sorrow you are gay (glad),
Still on our way we bravely press
Through happy days and through distress.
Life is endless love and beauty,
And to do God’s will – our duty.
(Repeat from “Life”)
So, press on, achieve your goal,
Fill with light your hungry soul.
Heaven will help you on your way;
Love will cast all fear away.
Happy are those who see the path.
Never waver, never stop – 
Nature helps the daring soul,
Victory means life for the whole.
(Repeat from “Happy”)

Conquering is also victory. The exercise is about solving our tasks and overcoming, conquering our problems and difficulties. We achieve victory and become masters of the situation.

Exercises 17-21 are related thematically as a group. In 17.Square we have a problem situation, a task. With 18.Beauty and 19.Agility we work to solve it using the hard and the mild approach. In 20.Conquering we solve and overcome it.  With 21.The Joy of the Earth we perform the joy for the achieved.

“Both arms move forwards and upwards as if pushing the air. This represents taking possession of everything which has been attained, mastery of that which we have achieved.” [Beinsa Douno, Paneurhythmy, p.80] 

Conquering, Ondřej Smetana

1.Text: Finish up the sentence with your own words: “Victory is…”, “I can conquer…”

2.Drawing: Draw a picture of the victorious person.Draw an illustration to the exercise.

3.Questions: How do people who win and successfully overcome difficulties in life, look like and act?

4.Experience:Tell us of situations and experiences when you have solved a task in your life successfully, when you have overcome some difficulty. What is the feeling?

5.Imagination: Imagine while you play the exercise that you push forward the whole Earth in front of you with your hands.

6.Affirmation: Write your own positive affirmation for Conquering. For example: I can overcome any difficulty.

7.Quote: He conquers who conquers himself (Latin proverb).The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph (Thoimas Paine). Find your favourite quote for Conquering.


Conquering, Nevyana Momchilova