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Measure 3/ 8
Tonality: C major
Total: 144 measures 
1 measure = 1 movement
part 1:
part 2:
part 3 (4):
Beautiful day
4 cycles
Sequence of movements:
1. „Hands on hips”
Music: 32 measures from 1 to 32; Text: verse 1; Movements 1-8 repeat 4 times.
2. „ Alternative hand up at 45°” 
Music: 24 measures from 33 to 56; Text: verse 2; Movements 1-8 repeat 3 times.
3. „ Inside partner hands hold”
Music: 32 measures from 57 to 88; Text: verse 1; Movementss 1-8 repeat 4 times.
4. „ Alternative partner hands hold”
Music: 56 measures from 89 to 144; Text: verses 2+1; Movements 1-8 repeat 7 times.
SP, 1a
SP for the exercise:
Arms: The hands are on the hips, thumbs behind, elbows to the sides. 
Legs: Feet are together in standing position. 
SP = SP of the exercise
Arms: For the whole cycle the hands are on the hips, thumbs behind, elbows to the sides. 
Legs: The right leg extends forward in the air, the foot slightly above the ground. Next the left leg bends at the knee and then extends again with a springing motion. During this motion the right foot comes closer to the ground without touching it. 
Duration: 1 measure
Legs: The left leg bends at the knee and then extends again with a springing motion. 
Duration: 1 measure
3: = 2
Legs: The right foot steps down forwards, the left foot remains to the back on toes.
Duration: 1 measure 
Movements 5-8 are symmetrical to 1-4, on right foot.
Movements 1-8 repeat 4 times.
FP: Hands on hips. Left foot to the back on toes.
2. HAND UP AT 45°
SP: Hands on hips. Left foot to the back on toes. 
Arms: The left hand is on the hip, thumb behind, elbow to the side. The right hand extends forwards and upwards at an angle of 45°, palm forwards.
Legs: The right leg extends forward in the air, the foot slightly above the ground. Next the left leg bends at the knee and then extends again with a springing motion. During this motion the right foot comes closer to the ground without touching it. 
Duration: 1 measure
Arms: The left hand is on the hip. The right arm is at 45°, palm forwards.
Legs: The left leg bends at the knee and then extends again with a springing motion. 
Duration: 1 measure
3: = 2
Arms: The left hand is on the hip. The right hand returns to the hip.
Legs: The right foot steps down forwards, the left foot remains to the back on toes.
Duration: 1 measure
Movements 5-8 are symmetrical to 1-4, on right foot.
Movements 1-8 repeat 3 times.
FP: Hands on hips. Left foot to the back on toes. 
SP: Hands on hips. Left foot to the back on toes.
Arms: Partners hold their inside hands: the partner in the outer circle lifts his/her left hand up with palm open and turned upwards and the partner in the inner circle places his right hand over it with palm turned downwards. The outside hands stay on the hips. 
Legs: The right leg extends forward in the air, the foot slightly above the ground. Next the left leg bends at the knee and then extends again with a springing motion. During this motion the right foot comes closer to the ground without touching it.  
Duration:  1 measure
Arms: = 1. 
Legs: The left leg bends at the knee and then extends again with a springing motion. 
Duration: 1 measure
3: = 2
Arms: = 1. 
Legs: The right foot steps down forwards, the left foot remains to the back on toes.
Duration: 1 measure
Movements 5-8 are symmetrical to 1-4, on right foot.
Movements 1-8 repeat 4 times.
SP: Arms by the sides of the body. Left foot to the back on toes.
Arms: The inside hands are by the sides of the body. The outside hands move to the sides and up in an arch-like movement and join up, above the heads. The right palm of the outer partner is upwards, the left palm of the inside partner is down. (If joint hands were down the right palm would be above).
Legs: The right leg extends forward in the air, the foot slightly above the ground. Next the left leg bends at the knee and then extends again with a springing motion. During this motion the right foot comes closer to the ground without touching it. 
Duration: 1 measure
Arms: The inside hands are by the sides of the body. The outside hands are joined up. 
Legs: The left leg bends at the knee and then extends again with a springing motion. 
Duration: 1 measure
3: = 2. 
Arms: The inside hands are by the sides of the body. The outside hands retrace way to SP.
Legs: The right foot steps down forwards, the left foot remains to the back on toes.
Duration: 1 measure
Movements 5-8 are on right foot and with the inside hands joint: right palm over the left palm, elbows bent. The outside arms are by the sides.
Movements 1-8 repeat 7 times.
FP for the exercise:
Arms down by the sides. Legs come together in standing position.