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Home Paneurhythmy 15.Aoum Music & Movement


Measure: 3/4
Tonality: C major
Total: 28 measures

1 movement = 2, 3 or 4 beats



1 cycle: 7 movements. The cycle repeats 4 times.

15. Аум


Arms: Arms are down by the sides of the body.
Legs: Feet are together in standing position.
Arms: The right arm moves upward and forward to 45˚, with hand upward and forward, palm down. Simultaneously the left arm moves down to the back to 45˚, with hand down to the back, palm upwards. Both arms are stretched in the elbows and in the wrists. Afterwards together with the whole body they lift up and down when the right foot lifts up on tiptoes and steps down.
Legs: The right foot moves to the front on toes, the weight of the body transfers to it and it steps, while the left foot remains on toes to the back. In the last phase of the movement the right foot raises vertically up on tiptoes, high enough for the left foot to lift up from the ground, and afterwards step down again.
Arms: The left arm moves upward and forward to 45˚, with hand upward and forward, palm down. Simultaneously the right arm moves down to the back to 45˚, with hand down to the back, palm upwards. Both arms are stretched in the elbows and in the wrists. Afterwards together with the whole body they lift up and down when the left foot lifts up on tiptoes and steps down.
Legs: The left foot moves to the front on toes, the weight of the body transfers to it and it steps, while the right foot remains on toes to the back. In the last phase of the movement the left foot raises vertically up on tiptoes, high enough for the right foot to lift up from the ground, and afterwards step down again.
Movements 1 and 2 repeat, in total 7 movements. Text: 1.„Aoum”; 2.„Aoum”; 3.„Aoum”; 4.„Om”; 5.„Om”; 6.„Aoum-“; 7.”en”

Duration: Movement 1: 3 beats (the offbeat, beats 1 and 2 of measure 1). Movement 2: 3 beats (beat 3 of measure 1, beats 1 and 2 of measure 2). Movement 3 (slower): 4 beats (beat 3 of measure 2, measure 3). Movement 4: 3 beats (measure 4). Movement 5: 3 beats (measure 5). Movement 6: 3 beats (measure 6). Movement 7 (faster): 2 beats (1 and 2 of measure 7).

Movements 1-7 make up a cycle which repeats 4 times. Cycles 1,3 start with right foot/arm. Cycles 2,4 start with left foot/arm.

FP: = SP for the exercise.