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Flying, Silviya NedelchevaFlying, Marieta Stoycheva



Earth is waking from it’s wintry sleep and rest,
Putting on her festive dress,
Putting on her festive dress.
Flowers, trees and birds, and bees
Are welcoming springtime with music gay (glad).
Nature rejoices on this day.
Nature rejoices on this day.
Flying is a process of achievement and of dissemination of results. Examples of processes and states in nature, in the person (thoughts, feelings, deeds) and relations:
  • birds and butterflies can fly;
  • I achieve something long cherished/ something that I have made many efforts;
  • I set an example to the others how to do something;
  • we disseminate achieved results from a project;

“This exercise expresses the uplifting impulse which makes everything grow.. These movements can also be called the right way of spreading the words and helping them grow into life”. [1, p.78]


Flying, Bilge KarciFlying, Dancho Pandulchev



1.Text: Write in your own beautiful words a sentence/ essay/ poem about Flying. Who can fly in the text of the poem?

2.Drawing: Draw a flower disseminating its seeds. Draw a bird flying. Draw an illustration to the exercise.

3.Questions: Birds can fly and people have long dreamed to be able to fly. What is your dream?

4.Experience: Tell us of situations and experience when you have disseminated the results of something that you have achieved after hard work. What is the feeling?

5.Imagination: Imagine, while you play the exercise that you fly like a bird. What does your bird look like?

6.Affirmations: Write your own positive affirmation for flying. For example: I can fly. I can achieve my dreams.

7. Quotes: Antonio Porchia “Those who gave away their wings are sad not to see them fly.” Find your favourite quote.  

Literature: “Ikarus”, legend. Hans Christian Anderson “The Ugly Duckling” fairy tale. Richard Bach “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”- a novella about a seagull learning about life, and a homily about self-perfection.


Flying, Stefanie VanhulleFlying, Nina (follow-up activities)