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        "Paneurhythmics and Erasmus brought us together in Veliko Turnovo and Varna and although some of us might not have fully known what to really expect, I believe that we all have accomplished an important mission of the European Erasmus program! In fact, when we look at some of the values where Erasmus participants believe in and work for, we have achieved a lot:

  • Unity in diversity, diversity in unity (we all have different backgrounds, but share common goals and activities).
  • Students helping students (we commit ourselves to the benefits of each other).
  • Fun in friendship and respect (we enjoy relations based on respect).
  • International dimensions of life (we are open-minded, co-operative and interactive).
  • Love for Europe and the world as an area of peace and cultural exchange (we live and benefit the cultural richnesses).
  • Openness with tolerance (we understand and accept others and learn from them).
  • Cooperation in the integration (we share a view towards internationality).

    We have proved that we can cooperate, adapt, stay positive and “always look at the bright side of life” .

    We have proved that we can keep doing our best and persist in accomplishing our exercises and tasks.

    We have proved that we can be friends reaching beyond borders, history and cultures.

    We have nice memories about the experience of learning new activities, sunny weather, nature and pleasure.

    And you ALL have contributed to the final successful feelings after those two weeks.

    I hope that we will meet again and know that you are always welcome!” 


    Erik Van Caureren

    participating teacher from HUB, Belgium





Last modified on Neděle, 23 Říjen 2011 21:45